tisdag 30 september 2014

Ibland liksom hejdar sig tiden ett slag

...och någonting oväntat sker.

Idag var en sådan dag. Min älskade morfar gick bort i morse. Min fina, goa, snälla, omtänksamma, smarta och roliga morfar. Du fattas mig, du fattas oss!

Mamma ringde i morse för att berätta vad som hänt, att morfar somnat in. Vi hade ju varit medvetna om att det snart skulle ske, men ändå, när det skedde, kom det nästan som en chock. Att han inte finns längre går inte att begripa.
Det blev en tung dag förstås, men jag pratade med mamma många gånger och förstås min man och systrar. Det är tur man har en familj som står en så nära, att vi kan stötta varann i alla tider. Jag jobbade idag, kände att det var bättre att vara med mina fina kollegor än ensam hemma då barnen går i skolan och mannen jobbar. Morgonen var jättetung, men jag tog med mig ett kort på morfar som jag tittade på då och då, ett kort där han är kanske 40 år och har precis skjutit två gäss. Han ser stolt och stilig ut på det kortet. Så minns jag min morfar. Han har gjort allt. Varit jägare, slaktare, husbyggare, ingenjör, trädhuggare, flottare, bilmekaniker, frisör(!) mm mm.

Busig var han också, till tusen. Många gånger fick man skratta när han eller mormor berättade om hans påhitt.
Jag minns särskilt en gång då vi hade lagt ut gäddsaxar, och lyckats få upp ett flertal gäddor (det var fantastiskt spännande). Vi rensade gäddorna i garaget på andra sidan lilla vägen, mittemot huset. Köksfönstret vette mot garaget och morfar sa att vi hänger upp gäddans huvud med inälvorna hängandes från det i granen, så ser vi vad mormor säger. Oj, vilka bannor han fick av henne!!!
Han visade oss Laver, den "moderna byn" som försvann. Där var han en midsommar med några kompisar och flirtade lite med tjejerna.

Men den bästa tjejen hittade han i Lomträsk. Min älskade mormor. Den historen berättar jag en annan gång. Tänk så tacksam jag är att det blev just de två!
Även om vi bodde så långt bort från varann så träffades vi en till två gånger om året. Mamma, pappa, jag och mina två systrar åkte de ca 100 milen upp dit, vid påsk och/eller på sommaren. Tolv timmars bilresa enkel väg, förstås med en del stopp för förtäring etc. Men vi gjorde det! Och vi såg alltid fram emot det. Upp supertidigt på morgonen, packa in väskorna i bilen och så åkte vi.
Träsmak i röven lärde vi oss tidigt vad det var, men vi klagade sällan . Vi ville bara fram. Vilka härliga semestrar vi hade där! Skidåkning i stora skogar, skoteråkning, pimlade ofta i stora gäng, solning på renskinn, grillning av falukorv, kokaffe, torkat renkött, mormors underbara mat efter en lång skotertur. Midnattsol, mygg, långa bilturer, renar, sommarfiske...

När jag blev äldre tog jag ibland med mig vänner dit också på semestern. Ibland åkte vi dit med tåg, ibland flög vi dit. Ett år bodde jag där med min dåvarande pojkvän. Jag ville vara nära mormor och morfar, kunna åka till dem en vanlig söndag på söndagsmiddag. Det är jag så glad för att jag gjorde.
Trots avståndet hade jag god kontakt med mina morföräldrar. De sa alltid att trots att vi inte ses så ofta så finns vi i varandras tankar. Så är det än.

Morfar, du är älskad och saknad av oss. I mina tankar är du och mormor återingen hemma i erat fina hus som du byggde. Du ligger i soffan i köket och läser tidningen, mormor pysslar om sina begonior eller syr. Ni skrattar ofta, era smittande skratt. Ibland spelar du på din orgel. Ibland sjunger jag och mina systrar när du spelar, "Små nära ting" tillexempel.

Nu är du återingen tillsammans med din kära, som hon har väntat på dig! Och som du har längtat efter henne! Nu får ni rå om varandra igen, riktigt ordentligt. Vi saknar er så mycket men vi vet att ni har det bra. Vi älskar er!!!!!

lördag 30 augusti 2014

A beautiful poem

Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart - but in it

Author: Fleur Conkling Heylinger
(Thank you to our friend Susanne for sharing it with us)


This one of the most important day in our lives! Every time I think about it, I feel happy, I feel that we did the right thing after all. Our children are now ours, forever and ever. And it is wonderful to be able to say that we are P&C's forever family! I could not really do that until the celebration day.

Granny and Grandad had bought some lovely new clothes for the children, an cool shirt for C and a pretty pink and blue dress with flamingos and a pink belt for P. I remember when P put her dress on, and I helped her with the button on the back. She said she felt so pretty in the dress - and oh, that she was! I did her hair too, and thought to myself that next time it will be just me and her like that will probably be at her own wedding day (if she decides that she want to get married of course). It was very special. She also wore her "ballerina shoes", just black shoes which are very pretty...she wants to wear them when she is off to ballet class apparently (must buy new ones as they are much loved and it shows).

All four of us set off to the Court, together two set of proud and excited Grandparents and one auntie feeling the same. It was a bit nerveracking as we did not really know what to expect, the word court is a bit serious anyway, but the word Celebration day made it less so.

Our lovely and fantastic socialworker came too, but the kids socialworker could not make it unfortunatley. Well, she will visit us sometime soon anyway which we are looking forward too. We had such lovely socialworkers and admire their job very much.

We were directed to a waiting room where we were just waiting around and wondering what was going to happen next. P got a bit anxious but Daddy held her and she soon calmed down. C was all smiley and happy.

Then we got invited to the courtroom. Me, Matthew and the kids sat in the front row and our loved ones in the row behind us. The Judge turned up, all dressed traditionally with a wig. Our fantastic parents was on their way to stand up for the Judge (as they had seen in movies etc), but the Judge turned out to have a fantastic sense of humour and said that it is way too much hard work, and it is not that kind of court anyway. It is a Celebration day!We all relaxed immediately!

The Judge asked us a few questions, one of them being who is the oldest of the two and how do the children get on with their Swedish. Regarding the Swedish, they are brilliant! C even thought the Judge a few Swedish words, like Hej and Hej då!
He then gave us a Certificate, where it says "In the Family Court at *place*, the Adoption and Children Act 2002, August 2014, *our childrens names and dates when they were born* was adopted by *mine and my husband's names*, signed by His Honour Judge. That was an amazing moment and the love I felt, and feel, for our two little ones made my heart almost burst with happiness!!

Lots of family photos was taken of course after this, all happy and feeling that we so belong together forever and ever.
The kids then got to choose a soft toy as to remember the day by, and also to try the Judge's chair and wig!Turned out they were not the onely ones as we got some photos of my husband in the same chair and wig too, and myself! Oh, and the grandparents and auntie too. Whilst all that was taking place, the kids and the Judge sat down on some chairs in the back of the room, resting. They were so quiet but the others certaintly wasn't! Made me laugh so much!

Our socialworker gave the children some nice gifts and cards before she had to leave the party, and the rest of us made our way home for a bbq. We had some nice gifts waiting for the kids in the garden, a trampoline and a swing.

My husband and I gave the kids some cards too, one which says "All you need is love" on the front and inside I wrote:
To our fantastic daughter, *her names*, on our Celebration Day *date*¨;
We can not believe that you came home to us o year and a half ago - time flies! And what an amazing time we have had together, as a family. It is certainly something to celebrate. our family! Mamma and Daddy love you so very much and we look forward to an exciting future together with you and C.
Lots of love and cuddles, Mamma and Daddy XXXX

The other one reads:"Live your Dreams"on the front and inside i wrote:
To our fantastic son, *his names*, on our Celebration Day *date*¨;
What a journey it has been for all of us, but we found eachother at last! Today, we are celebration that we are a family, wow, what an amazing thing to celebrate! Mamma and Daddy love you so very much and we look forward to an exiting future together with you and P. Lots of love and cuddles, Mamma and Daddy XXXX

Had this day happened any earlier in our lives together, it would have been a completely different story. We decided to wait until we were ready, as this is a day for the whole family to enjoy. And we sure did! We have got so much to look forward too, and we just love and treasure every moment together now. Every single moment. Even when P is singing "Let it go" from "Frozen" at 3am, in her bed. Loud and clear. She did put up a show. And it was amazing!

Mamma and Daddy are so happy and lucky that we found you, and that you took us to your hearts too. A rough journey, turning out to be something very special. I don't know what I would have done if we did not have you, in our lives, right now! <3 p="">